速報/御礼丨リーガルリスクマネジメントの教科書 重版へ(詳細はこちら)





初めての出版で、手探りの状態から始まった挑戦。それでも、思い描いた理想に共感し、共に形にしてくださった皆様の存在に、心から感謝しています。 特に、日本加除出版様の信頼と尽力、推薦を寄せてくださった20名の先生方のご支援は、私の心を深く震わせました。この場を借りて、厚く御礼申し上げます。


まだまだ未熟な私ですが、これからも感謝の気持ちを胸に、法務の現場で奮闘される皆様を支え続けたいと思います。 法律家としてだけでなく、一人の人間として、皆様と共に歩むことができることを、心から幸せに思います。






[Tokyo/Japan] Did you know… I’m not just a “lawyer,” but also a “manga author”? “Happy to help” has always been my passion, whether through comics or legal books.

TL’DR: I’m excited to share that my book, “Legal Risk Management Handbook”, sold out its first 4,000 copies, and now we’re reprinting 2,000 more.

This is the book I wish I had on my ”Day 1” as an in-house lawyer.

― In 2011, there were only 580 in-house lawyers in Japan. Now, there are over 3,300 (a 568% increase). However, we still lack role models and career guidance.

― In 2018, with the support of Rob Chesnut (General Counsel) and my boss, I joined a government study group discussing the role and vision of in-house legal teams (Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry) to help our legal community grow.

― In 2023, I wrote this book to help emerging legal professionals across all 47 prefectures in Japan support their business teams as business partners, confidently, wherever they are.

So far, over 15,000 copies from this series, including Legal Vocabulary Vol. 1 [法律英単語®2100] and Vol. 2 [法律英単語®Ⅱ 1000], have reached readers. It’s amazing to see these resources making a real impact.

All book royalties have been/will be donated to my law school/university and to support legal research in Japan.

Thank you to everyone who supported this project and to all the readers who made this journey worthwhile.

I hope I can become another version of “you”—a (ex-) Airbnb legal professional who inspires and supports others outside of Japan, just as you have done for me. You all have been incredibly kind and supportive to me, and through this book, I aspire to be that same guiding presence for others, as needed.

(*) My personal view only, outside my role at Airbnb.





