
Finalist: Japan Law Awards 2020 -Airbnb Japan, Yu Watanabe-

[Tokyo/Japan] Thomson Reuters and Asian Legal Business today announced the finalist list of Japan Law Awards 2020 respectively covering: (a) individual; (b) private practice team; and (c) in-house team categories.

Yu Watanabe (Senior Legal Counsel at Airbnb) and our Airbnb Japan Legal Team are named as a finalist for the Awards below:

  1. Individual Category
    1. In-House Lawyer of the Year 2020)
    2. Young Lawyer of the Year (In-house) 2020
  1. In-house Team Category
    1. Japan In-House Team of the Year 2020
    2. Most Innovative In-House Team of the Year 2020
    3. Technology, Media and Telecommunications In-House Team of the Year 2020
    4. Compliance and Risk Management In-House Team of the Year 2020

The finalist list can be found HERE.

This year, I supported many emerging/young in-house lawyers for the Awards. Some new emerging individuals and teams are named as finalist, which makes me happy. My respecting mentors inside and outside Japan have been helping me and our team to get better, I truly appreciate your continuous warm guidance as well as giving us opportunities to grow.

The announcement was postponed from March to July due to COVID-19. Winners for the Awards will be announced on September 25, 2020.

We know it’s quite challenging to be named as a winner (among other excellent top-tier finalists) in this competition and no one knows who wins in 2021, however, I’ll continue to be humble and to support emerging lawyers in Japan by sharing my discoveries and challenges (incl. mistakes), which I learn everyday from all of my colleagues at Airbnb and my mentors outside of the company. I am more than happy to help you if I can be assist of you to get better, as I have been supported by many people.

(*) personal view only
